International Symposium on Measurement, Selection and Placement
October 04-06 2024 / Ankara / Türkiye



Payment Deadline Extended

For abstracts accepted to the International Symposium on Measurement, Selection and Placement, the deadline to pay the registration fee has been extended to 18 September 2024. Thank you for your demand and contributions.

Abstract Submission Deadline Expired

The deadline for the submission of abstracts for the International Symposium on Measurement, Selection and Placement has expired as of 10 August, 2024. We would like to thank you for your intense demand and contributions and hope to see you at our symposium.

Publishing Symposium Papers as Articles

TED Education and Science Journal (ISSN: 1300-1337), indexed in SSCI and TRDizin, will publish a special issue on “Innovative Approaches in Measurement and Assessment” which is the theme of the International Symposium on Measurement, Selection and Placement. Upon the demand of the author/authors, papers presented at the Symposium can be submitted to TED Education and Science Journal for the peer review process in that special issue.

Papers presented at the Symposium can be published as articles in one of the issues of the Millî Eğitim (ISSN: 1302-5600) which our Symposium shareholder MoNE publishes and is indexed in Scopus and TRDizin, after going through the reviewing process.

Moreover, author(s) who want to submit their papers as manuscripts will be prioritised in the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology (ISSN: 1309-6575), indexed in Scopus and TRDizin and Journal of Applied Measurement and Assessment.